
The Dol'jharian Language

From Exordium by Sherwood Smith and Dave Trowbridge

The Exordium universe is an original creation of Sherwood Smith and Dave Trowbridge, copyright 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, by Sherwood Smith and Dave Trowbridge, all rights reserved. Mention or discussion of copyrighted characters and terms in this reference work is not intended, nor should be interpreted or construed, as a challenge to those copyrights.

This glossary and discussion is intended as a supplement to increase readers' enjoyment of the Exordium books, not as a substitute for reading the original. If you have not read Exordium, but find the material presented here of interest, please considerpurchasing the Exordium books.

Attested forms are followed by a page reference to their first appearance in the text (volumes are given in Roman numerals, pages in Arabic numerals). Conjectured forms (whether from analogy to known words or by derviation from combined forms) are preceded by an asterisk.

achreash (III:3) -- particle in the name of a designated heir, indicates a sharing of the ancestral spirit as well as physical kinship

achreash-Eusabian (III:3) -- Anaris' name after his investiture in the eglarrh demachi-Dirazh'ul

arrachi (II:95) -- some kind of animal, not identified in the text

Arran ni-paliach ima-Eusabian etta mi dyn-achee. Esarrh du espilchu achrechor corrgha-tu yeilis mi (V:521-2) -- "The paliach of the Eusabians has failed in the face of my power. Here claim I the spoils in your body yielded to me."

Catennach (III:392) -- "the Service of the Lords," the Bori bureaucracy of the Dol'jharian nobility, eunuchs (apparently completely castrated, "smooth to the belly," since they are incapable of sexual performance)

Chor (V:7) -- the god of the Chorei

chorahin (V:344) -- the horror in the walls of the Suneater

Chorei (II:462) -- former people of the island of Chor, telepaths (the Dol'jharians destroyed them by dropping a meteor just offshore of their island, drowning them in the resulting wave)

ch'qath (I:32) -- scavenger lizard, Dol'jharian laborers gamble on the outcome of fights between them in pits, rather like cockfights.

Chupkun immashen enach t'gall (V:121) -- "The sacrifice is accepted Closing words of the eglarhh hre-immash

chuqath (II:95) -- another form of ch'qath

*darakh -- visit, bestow

darakh-kreshch (I:255) -- "annointed," literely "bestow (?)"

Darakh ettu hurreash, Urtigen-dalla. Tsurokh ni-vesh entasz antorrh, epu catenn-mi hreach i-Dol... (II:464) -- "Bestow upon us your presence, great Urtigen. Turn not away your eyes, for through you are we linked to the spirit of Dol..." Invocation of the spirit of Urtigen at the beginning of Anaris' eglarrh demachi-Dirazh'ul, or investiture.

Darakh ettu mispeshi, Urtigen-dalla. Darakh ni-palia entasz pendeschi, pron hemma-mi ortoli ni narhh. (I:254) -- "Visit us with your mercy, great Urtigen. Visit not with vengeance your lineage, take instead this my blood that once was yours." Words of the eglarhh hre-immash, the ritual to lay a hungry ghost.

Darakh-li emmer entasz eg pendeschi palia-mi ni-tsuren kurrhan. Pali-mi kurrhar biomha emreth-te, dira-mi bi omha mizpeshi, hach-ka mi bi tyram-te, dasz te emmer prochar mi-retann epas Morat-jhar (V:545) -- "Forever I visit upon you and your lineage my ever-following vengeance. So will my vengeance haunt all your destinies, my curses all your blessings, my spirit all your dreams, that you may ever anticipate with fear my return from the kingdom of death" Eusabian's curse on the Arkads

dektasz (I:394) -- a Dol'jharian military rank

dhosz-Tathanu (V:211) -- Dol'jharian liturgical drama of ninety-nine Postures and thirty-three Significations, heavily charged with sexual energy and performed only in the period immediately before a Kharuscha-na rahali

dirazh'u (I:36) -- string used in curse-weaving, a magickal practice followed by Dol'jharian nobles

Dol (I:157) -- Vengeance, forefather and principal deity of the Dol'jharians, who gave them Dol'jhar to harden them for the struggles against the demons that drove them from their original paradisical homeworld.

Dol'jhar (I:11) -- planet of the Dol'jharians

dzirkash-juluth (III:2) -- Dol'jharian pennance robe

eglarrh (I:255) -- laying-ritual

eglarrh demachi-Dirazh'ul (II:460) -- Dol'jharian investiture ritual of naming a heir-presumptive as heir-in-fact

eglarhh hre-immash (I:254) -- "the laying of a hungry ghost," Dol'jharian ritual to appease the spirit of a murdered person, must be performed monthly for thirty-three years before the spirit is released to join the honored ancestors in the Halls of Dol, involves candles made from the flesh of the dead one's corpse

ejarhh (II:465) -- "it is done," conclusion of the eglarrh demachi-Dirazh'ul ritual

*emmer -- connotes a sense of gathering and of transformation

emmer mas'hadnital (I:349) -- "the pain that transfigures," Dol'jharian art of torture

emmer te gowen (V:545) -- "You are (inevitable aspect) gathered"

Entili mi dirazh'ult kai panarch (I:296) -- statement of Jerrode Eusabian, unglossed in text

Ephin Hoch'jhan (V:145) -- city of Vi'ya's birth, meaning not glossed

eskillith (V:522) -- a game played with a ball

Esrackh atta-mi (V:267) -- "It is mine!"

etarr (V:121) -- go (imperative)

genz (IV:396) -- title of respect

gyarrh'ka (I:254) -- particle in "Urtigen gyarrh'ka Eusabian, the name of Jerrode Eusabian's father, perhaps "father of"

hachka (I:149) -- "spirit," specifically, the virtues inherited from one's ancestors

hekaath (V:545) -- "unbreakable bond"

...hemma eg shtal... (II:464) -- bit of the eglarrh demachi-Dirazh'ul ritual, not glossed in text

Hoch D'ocha (I:25) -- Jerrode Eusabian's tower

Hurreachu i-Dol (III:2) -- "the Unknowable-Presence-Indwelling of Dol," the Chamber of Mysteries, ritual chamber aboard the battleship Fist of Dol'jhar

Jhar D'ocha (I:34) -- the Kingdom of Vengeance, realm of Jerrode Eusabian

Jhar Emyn (I:149) -- location of the towers of Hoch D'ocha

Jhar Epoim (V:192) -- clan whose leader contested Jerrode Eusabian and lost

Jharg'at Choreid (V:4) -- the capital of the Chorei

ji-rahal (II:399) -- conditional son, this term is alluded to earlier(II:97), but the form not given.

Juvaszt kim Karusch-na bo-synarrach, gri tusz ni-synnarrh perro-ti! (II:443) -- gross insult equating Juvaszt's performance in the Dol'jharian mating ritual with masturbation

kah-jillalch (V:20) -- scapegoats

kalleath (V:254) -- sharp ritual knife of a Dol'jharian priest

Ka nimichh duuni ni-pelanj marhh (II:90) -- "The shade of my enemy holds no power over me"

karra (I:27) -- demon

karra-fires (I:33) -- ritual fires

Kharuscha-na rahali (II:172) -- "Star-tides of Progeny" the period in which Dol'jharians of the upper classes who desire heirs ambush potential sexual partners for a ritualized struggle to ensure strong offspring

kipango (V:122) -- the karra that looked both forward and backward, and could spring on enemies from either direction

kyvernat (I:421) -- ship's captain

Mekhli-chur (II:441) -- apparently the beginning of an oath, not glossed

mizpeshi (I:254) -- mercy

nar-pelkun turish (I:434) -- "unsheathed will"

*ni- -- negative particle: no, not, non-, un-

Ni-Dolchu karra bi-stest j'cha (II:89) -- "Dol-forsaken lurking demon-spawn"

Ni retorr (V:522) -- do not retreat

nivi-kcha (V:394) -- "weakling," specifically one weakened by self-abuse (masturbation)

Okhash emmer ti ocha-mi (V:191) -- "The fires of my vengeance will burn forever"

*orr -- hour

orr narhach'pelkun turish (I:35) -- "the Hour of the Unsheathing of the Will (the hour before dawn, as observed by the Dol'jharian nobility)

paliach (I:11) -- vengeance, practiced as an art form by the lords of Dol'jhar

Pali-mi kreuuchar bi pali-te, dira-mi bi dira-te, hach-ka mi bi hreach-te (II:465) -- "Be my vengeance entwined with yours, my curses with yours, my spirit with yours." Ritual words from the eglarrh demachi-Dirazh'ul

*pelkun -- sheath

peshakh (I:150) -- slender, razor-sharp knife worn in a wrist sheath

pesz ko'- (I:28) -- form of address indicating the least possible difference (used by Barrodagh to Evodh)

pesz mas'hadni (I:27) -- Dol'jharian physician-torturer

prachan (II:319) -- the "fear-face," an expression used by Dol'jharian nobles to terrorize their subordinates into instant obedience

prikoschi (I:149) -- a term of contempt, not glossed, but from context seems to be "weakling," one who will submit to sex without a struggle

radach- (I:349) -- particle in the name Evodh radach'Enar, unglossed

*rahal- -- "son of"

rahal'Jerrodi (I:147) -- Anaris' second name, which identifies him as a son of Jerrode Eusabian

*retor -- retreat

senxlo (I:397) -- variant form of senzlo

senz lo'- (I:316) -- honorific

senzlo'- (I:32) -- honorific

serach (I:27) -- "presumed equal" courtesy title

som-turi (IV:150) -- Dol'jharian discipline of visualizing the desired goal to prepare oneself to obtain it

*tarka -- those

tarka ni-retor (I:147) -- "those who do not retreat," Jerrode Eusabian's elite forces, the Tarkans

Tel urdug paliachai, em ni arben ettisen (I:266) -- Eusabian's comment that the completion of the paliach was at hand, not glossed in text

terev ha'zhad (V:6) -- "the intimacies"

*turish -- the will

*tusz -- sex, penis

tusz ni-synarrh (I:366) -- "lonely hand-sex," extremely vulgar Dol'jharian term for masturbation

tuszpi (II:94) -- penis (diminutive)

zhi'leath (I:317) -- serrated sword carried by the Tarkans

Last updated October 19, 2012